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  • IMPECCABLE DAILY CLEAN: The esun vapes let you easily start clean, schedule & customize cleaning preferences with remote control. Auto-adjust cleaning head auto increase suction power and adapt its height to seamlessly clean from hard surface floor to medium-pile carpet for a spotless clean home
  • 产品宣传视频


    Each pod carries e-liquid enough to last around 650 pulls. How fast or how slow you finish each pod is based entirely on your daily smoking habits and how much vapor you take in with each drag. Compared to the average lit cigarette (8-10 pulls), you're definitely coming out on top!

    Our vape pens are made to last! Hardy and durable, a ESUN device used normally and safely need only be replaced when the standard service life of the batteries begins to deteriorate, which usually takes around 2-3 years.

    Most of the recent studies documenting the short-term effects of e-cigarette consumption conclude that e-cigarettes are significantly less harmful than traditional cigarettes and reduce the impact of second-hand smoke by up to 95%. This helps bring down health risks not only for you but for the people around you as well!

    All our of e-liquids are crafted and blended carefully by our chemists in order to create an authentic experience with a fresh twist. The main component of ESUN’s e-liquids is plant glycerol - a mildly sweet substance that is far less carcinogenic than tar and other chemicals and byproducts often found in regular cigarettes. There may be an initial adjustment period where your palate adjusts to the mild taste, but rest assured that it's far from unpleasant.